A whopping 90% of India’s workforce is comprised of unskilled workers. Skilling them is the only way they can aim to improve incomes. Aajeevika Bureau and niiti consulting invite you…

A whopping 90% of India’s workforce is comprised of unskilled workers. Skilling them is the only way they can aim to improve incomes. Aajeevika Bureau and niiti consulting invite you…
Technical session on Evaluative Thinking & Evaluation use We at niiti are passionate about enabling sustainable social change. One of the key drivers is a culture of evaluative thinking amongst…
Evidence Building For Achieving SDGs – Digital Development and Inclusion Feb 12 – 14, 2020 India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Knowledge Factory is a platform for young professionals to meet over a meaningful experience. It is an avenue for knowledge exchange through a fun and interesting way. The tag line…
Beginning April, Meena Vaidyanathan had the opportunity to visit and share the vision and approach of niiti consulting with various scholars at IRMA. See Facebook page below for details. https://www.facebook.com/IRMA.iSEC/posts/1194102097414923?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAXBWW_zIjcW_eRGo-8N4s3KAxhyU1BcLYeVl3Iqu6Vl7YlsNfkr8nqtn0ocPhxuRhuFsW3S9Lgeyaq0VTt9Wlp-evhFZKoF-fjrrTmRqWw6nJyGXylKlGA31Fl6sbsUAWesuH4EkiC4mn5o08U_LHxLk0h4WwkqlZWtUeN0jX04kl-vJZX0Ls62zwlru6c_aW7rrfGLBkZYYvY-KfP05l-DPz2yEXc9eck4vZS5fnweuH1xbE-I8Bao8PjcevMQZ4_Zzo3gzRpxCl0DaDyQ2W-_7OxT5GYCKtWvozikphNbWm4xYsDhAyl6tHpISHf0_Sb6IV-BJoW8gpTXbB6gwkmkA&__tn__=-R
Dear All, Department of Policy Studies is organizing one day conference on “SDGs and Sustainable Livelihood: Opportunities and Challenges in India” on the 12th of April 2019 at 9:30 am…
Upcoming event- We are curating a workshop on “Ideas for Sustainability” for officers of the three defence forces partnering with the Directorate of Integrated Defence University in Delhi on Dec…
Upcoming event- The third edition of Knowledge Factory will be hosted in Bangalore on Feb 9, 2019. To register, please visit www.knowledgefactory.co.in
On Dec 3-6, 2018 we conducted a follow-up training in marketing for small tea growers in Guwahati. These small tea grower collectives have formed producer companies, and were trained by…
Need Assessment in progress in Chirala Village in Andhra Pradesh on Dec 2018. The report will feed into a programme enabling better access to education, livelihoods, healthcare and financial inclusion…